Thursday, September 16, 2010

It's been one week

Are you singing Barenaked Ladies after reading that? I am. Not that I'm complaining, though. I'll take a fun little ditty like that stuck in my head. :)

Anyway, yesterday marked my first week on the South Beach Diet. So far so good. I'm borderline obsessed with weighing myself and regularly do it every morning, diet or not. Yeah, yeah, I know you're not supposed to, but I just can't help it. This time I just wanted to monitor and make sure I was losing like I was supposed to. Why give up carbs if I'm not showing any progress? I did my official weight check yesterday and redid my measurements. Ready for it?

I'm down 10 pounds!!! I FINALLY broke under 180. I've been stuck in the 180s for at least a year, aside from a few days following a nasty stomach bug where I dropped down to 178, but of course that came right back as soon as I was eating again. I'm beyond thrilled. My doctor had said that 175 would be an adequate weight for me since I'm tall and have a larger frame. Ideally I'd like to be around 155, but I don't think that's realistic. I weighed 167 when I got married, so I figure somewhere around 165 would be pretty good. I haven't lost a whole lot measurements wise. I think I was down half an inch in my waist, half an inch in my thigh, and a quarter inch in my arm. I guess that's something. The shorts I put on yesterday were really I could pull them down all the way while they were buttoned. Woo hoo! I'd love to be able to fit into my size 10s and 12s again and get rid of all my size 14s that I've been wearing, well, since my oldest was born.

I tell you, though, as I get closer to the end of phase one, I'm soooo ready for some carbs. A cracker, a bite of bread, a strawberry...I feel like my options are getting more limited the longer I do this. Summer fruit is still pretty inexpensive, and my kids love fruit, so it's been really hard to dish them up peaches, nectarines, strawberries, etc. and not indulge myself. I did get some sugar free, 25 calorie popsicles that help with my sweet cravings, but it's still not the same. It was really hard this past weekend to not have any beer or alcoholic beverages since the husband and I usually indulge in a few on the weekends. My mom is keeping the kids this weekend so we can have a date night, and I think I'm going to cheat a little and have some red wine. It's phase two approved, and I'm so close, I figure I can indulge just a little.

I was really proud of myself at my MOPS group today. At each meeting one of the tables provides breakfast for the entire group. Normally there are quite a few egg dishes, but of course not today. There was one I could eat. Another egg dish had potatoes in it and was topped with crescent rolls or puff pastry, and everything else was fruit or pastries. Sigh. It looked awesome, but I held strong and had two little pieces of the one casserole I could eat. I was so glad I'd had something to eat at home before going instead of banking on there being multiple options for me. Tonight I have Bunco, and I'm kind of expecting the same thing...not a lot of food options I can snack on, but I'll just make sure I'm full when I go or stick in some almonds or another diet approved snack. Hopefully the adult beverage that's served isn't something I love.

I'm still struggling to not taste my kids' food...I had no idea how often I did that! I bought some bite size chocolate chip cookies for them at Trader Joe's last week, and I swear the cookies taunt me every time I open the pantry. I actually put one in my mouth the other day just to taste it and then immediately spit it out. I'm still not sure if that was gross or clever or some combination of the two. I think at this point a lot of it is just that I really want a carb of some sort, so I'd take what I could get.

Five more days to go on Phase One!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I laughed out loud at the cookie-spitting-out bit. I think it was genius! Maybe evil genius...but genius nonetheless. You look great, keep up the good work!
