I wasn't really familiar with Girls on the Run prior to the race. A friend of mine is a teacher at a local school and helps run a chapter there, and we saw her at the race with her team. She filled us in on the program, and I gotta say I'm pretty impressed. Actually I'm so impressed that Jen and I are talking about seeing if we can start a chapter of it at the school our boys are going to for kindergarten next year because I don't think they have one there. I really struggled with body image when I was growing up, and I think this would be a great way to educate girls so they don't have to go through that.
Anyway, the race looped around the park twice. It kind of sucked to be quite honest. The area where I live (and run) is flat. Really flat. The course was not flat. It wasn't hilly, but there were small hills here and there, and I'm just not used to that. Plus it got hot really fast. It was supposed to be around 100 for the high on Saturday, but I figured an 8:00 race would be okay. Yeah...it wasn't really. Especially for poor Jess who lives in Seattle and hasn't really seen the sun since last September. But it was cool to see all the parents and coaches of all these young girls along the race route cheering them on. It was a pretty good first race experience.
I have a couple pictures on my phone, but I currently am not sure where I last put it down in my house. So Benah posted this one on her Facebook page, so I just copied it from there. I also have one of Jess and me.
Awesome running mommies!! Me, Benah, and Jen before the race.
I told Jen on New Years Eve that 2011 would be the year I become a runner!
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