Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I'm so bad about updating all of my blogs lately...this one, my cooking one, our family one. I've just been lazy, I don't know what it is. Actually I kind of do. I'm trying to exercise in the morning while the boy watches TV, and that used to be when I'd do my computer time. I'm trying to cut back on the amount of TV he watches, so there goes my afternoon computer time as well. I swear I'm having withdrawals from all of it! I need to figure out how to do mobile posts and do them from my phone because that would be a heck of a lot easier.

Anyway, I'm not going to recap each day since I lasted posted--just go over some highs and lows. I'm really struggling with cutting back on how much I eat. I'm worried if I cut back too much it's going to affect my milk supply, and I'm not ready to wean Miles yet. I do find that I snack because I'm bored a lot. Well, not so much bored (it's hard to be bored with a three year old and six month old) as don't really know what to do with myself, if that makes sense. I do find that if I exercise in the morning AND eat a good breakfast (something filling, high in fiber or protein) that I'm much less likely to snack throughout the day, so I really need to start making those two things my goal each day. Some days of course it's easier than others, like today we had to leave the house around 9:00, so I skipped exercising because it was just going to be too tight to work out, shower, and get us all dressed/ready and out the door.

I found myself at Wendy's for lunch today with some friends after an outing with my MOMS Club. Wendy's hands down has my favorite fast food fries. Well, really Dick's Drive-In in Seattle is my favorite, but as I only get those once or twice a year I don't count them. Anyway, I was really pleased with myself for getting the grilled chicken sandwich with a baked potato instead of fries. I love that Wendy's has so many sides to chose from with their value meals, but a lot of times I forget to switch to one of them instead of fries.

So my goal for the rest of the week is to exercise in the morning. Except Friday because Will, Miles, my mom, and I are going out of town for the weekend and our flight leaves Friday morning. But I can at least get exercise in Wednesday and Thursday.

This morning as I was in the process of getting dressed I was walking past the big mirror in my bathroom and sucked in my gut. Let me tell you, with a sucked in gut I'm pretty skinny from the side. I almost cried when I let it go, but at least I know what I have the potential (maybe) to look like!

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