Friday, September 2, 2011


My race is the day after tomorrow, and I was diagnosed with strep throat this morning. FML. I guess thankfully I'm allergic to penicillin so I always get a Z-Pack when I have strep. It's just five days of pills instead of 10. The nurse said as ling as the first dose doesn't cause me problems I could double up and take 500mg for three days instead of 500 just today and then 250mg for four days. I may do that. I think I caught it earlier than I usually do, so that's good. Normally I'm feeling better with strep by day three of antibiotics, so I should be okay come Sunday. I just can't believe it...of all weekends!

By the way I'm in the car writing this while my mom chauffeurs my sick ass to Anaheim. Isn't technology amazing?!?!

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