Friday, May 29, 2009


It's been a long day, and it's really taking a lot of brain power on my part to think back to yesterday. I didn't exercise in the morning because we had to leave the house by 9:10, and I'm not good at getting out of the house early as it is, so I didn't want to risk being late because we had to be somewhere at a specific time. I ended up just having some handfuls of Life cereal here and there while I was getting things done before we left the house. I know, I know...breakfast is the most important meal of the day and all that, but I just kind of forgot to eat. I took Will to see his first movie, and we took our own snacks instead of buying over-priced unhealthy snacks at the movie theater. I ended up not eating that much of the light popcorn I had taken because I was holding Miles and he kept grabbing for the bag of popcorn when I'd have it. I didn't want my baby to have either a plastic bag or popcorn, so I only had a few bites.

We saw the movie with several friends and went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch afterwards. Now, generally I can resist fast food because it just isn't good to me and I always feel sick after I eat it. But Chick-Fil-A is a BIG weakness of mine. I love it, and we don't have one right near us, so it's a big treat when we have it. I love their original chicken sandwich with some cheese and mayo on it. And don't even get me started on their waffle fries. So I had to be super strong when we ewnt there. And I was...I got a chargrilled chicken salad and only put half the dressing on it, no croutons or sunflower seeds. I did have two of Will's fries, but I figured that was okay. I was ridiculously pleased with myself for managing to stay on track and not give in!

For dinner I made a risotto with edamame and mushrooms. I think it was fairly healthy because it called for half and half as an optional ingredient, but I left it out, so it was really just arborio rice, edamame, mushrooms, chicken broth, and parmesan cheese. I did go back for a small helping of seconds, but it wasn't a lot that I put on my plate.

Oh, and I got rid of the remaining tres leches cake and blackberry cobbler that were in my fridge. I had one bite of the cake before I tossed it.

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